We found 10 episodes of Elixir RoundTable with the tag “elixir”.
24: Elixir Roundtable #24: Launching and Growing with Elixir with Chase Granberry
February 16th, 2024 | Season 3 | 50 mins 24 secs
digital products, elixir, product development
DockYard CEO Brian Cardarella is joined by Chase Granberry, founder of Logflare and current member of the Supabase team. Chase shares his journey of using Elixir. He discusses the advantages of Elixir, the challenges he faced, and the decision-making process behind adopting the language. Among the advantages he saw was the ability to launch Logflare with a minimal development team thanks to Elixir. They discuss the increasing complexity of competing languages like Javascript, some of the hurdles to wider Elixir use, and more.
19: Keeping Yourself Energized in Engineering with Mike & Brooklin
March 21st, 2023 | Season 2 | 48 mins 49 secs
dockyard academy, elixir
Mike Binns a DockYard Principal Engineer, Brooklin Meyers - DockYard Academy's lead instructor, and Matthew Stebbins DockYards Marketing Manager discuss how to stay energized within their respective fields and share their stories about what helps them get through the peaks and valleys of their careers
18: LiveView Native with Brian C and Brooklin
March 6th, 2023 | Season 2 | 45 mins 20 secs
elixir, liveview native
Brooklin and Brian Cardarella discuss the current state of DockYard's very own, LiveView Native, and how to grow the Elixir ecosystem in such a competitive marketplace.
DockYard Website: https://dockyard.com/
LiveView Natvie Github: https://github.com/liveviewnative
DockYard's Latest Blog on LVN update: https://dockyard.com/blog/2023/01/17/liveview-native-yearly-update💻's
https://www.linkedin.com/company/dockyard/ -
17: Numerical Elixir with Paulo Valente
March 4th, 2023 | Season 2 | 40 mins 20 secs
Brooklin and the DockYard crew speak with Paulo about machine learning using Numerical Elixir
DockYard Website: https://dockyard.com/
Numerical Elixir Github: https://github.com/elixir-nx/nx
DockYard's Blogs on NX: https://dockyard.com/blog/2022/03/15/nx-for-absolute-beginners
https://www.linkedin.com/company/dockyard/ -
16: Firefly update with Brian C and Paul S
February 27th, 2023 | Season 2 | 51 mins 7 secs
elixir, podcast, programming
Brian Cardarella and the team speak with Paul Schoenfelder, a Firefly (fka Lumen) core team member about why this R&D initiative is essential to DockYard and when you can see more of it.
DockYard Website: https://dockyard.com/
Firefly Landing Page: https://getfirefly.org/💻's
https://www.linkedin.com/company/dockyard/ -